Lady Etna Lady Etna from the window Sicily TheOngoingShow

A veil to hide, a veil to reveal

Lady Etna on December 8th 2021, seen from Catania

Clouds like a veil
to hide
your latest masterpiece
to reveal it.

Too many months have passed

I wish I could get closer to you,
I felt close.
I didn’t move.
You didn’t move.

I am far away, now.

The air has been cleared,
you look closer,
felt like I could almost touch you.

I couldn’t.

They are sending me away from you.

Once again.

Lady Etna Lady Etna from the window News Sicily TheOngoingShow

From the window #2

New gallery is online: The Ongoing show – Lady Etna from the window.
In the next weeks I’m going to publish new galleries collecting pictures I’ve been taking from the window since Summer 2020 as I anticipated in this post.