I am still alive! I know, this is not an actual blog and I have no intention, nor the time, to keep up a pointless blog; yet, I liked the idea to update it a little more often.
The last 7 months have been the craziest and the future is yet to be told. Well, being untold is one of the basic characteristic of the future, still, these last months have been peculiar, and might be very important for my future. Anyhow, I’ll tell about this good (?) mess happening later (remember the untold future?).
Moving fast forward to last Sunday, that had been the weirdest of all days, in the same day happened what follows:
- I received an unexpected and rather pleasant call from a relative (might be past&photography-related).
- Lady Etna sat up one of the most amazing shows, her 50th activity(?) since 16th February 2021.
- I was at my family country house while the paroxysm started
The last 2 are a rare combinations of events since I spend most of my time in the city. - After 2 months of a cloud-free sky, clouds covered the view of Mt.Etna for 2 hours. Lovely clouds, I must say, but “please, could you?… No, ok, I will enjoy you”.

Probably to highlight the folly of all this situation, at the first sign of Mt. Etna activity, I decided to climb up on the roof and wait there for a free view.
Two hours. I waited for two hours.
Not that I got bored, I took some pictures, but I wished to record more with my camera.

Despite all this, I like to think it was worth it.
I heard the voice of the Lady from a closer (still safe) place, the sunset had been amazing, Lady Etna managed to still show its eruption plum to me too, and after those 2 hours, I got to collect some “precious stones” hidden to the naked eye.